Informations: mobil: 06 20 956 9316

   e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

 Entry fees:

1 dog with catalog: 40 Euro
baby, puppy, veteran, honour: 25 Euro
breeding group, breeding paar, progeny group: 25 Euro
HDK Champion class: 20 Euro

Bank informations to transfer:

Account owner: Hungária Dobermann Klub

Account number: IBAN: HU06 7360 0149 1112 3246 0000 0000

                                 SWIFT: TAKBHUHB

Name of the bank: B3 Takarékszövetkezet

HDK Champion 2018

It is possible to entry to HDK Champion class outside the usual FCI classes.

Before the beginning of the show the entered dog will take part on a protection work. If this will be successful, the dog can start in a HDK Champion class. (which is not the same than the FCI champion class!)

Only dobermanns with german ZTP can enter this class!

The classwinner dobermann will get the title „HDK Champion 2018” (by gender)

The HDK Champion classwinner will not compete for HDK Clubwinner 2018!

Ranking based on the results of the work and appearance.

The work result is preferableThe overall winner receives HDK Champion title of the current year. On theshow will be placed all entried and successfully listed dog.

The males and females will start separate for the Champion title.

The excercise is the same as by the ZTP test, it consist of an attack from a hiding place and a front attack.
By the attack from a hiding place there are two rodhits!

To the criticism will included the formal exercises, handling, behavior, dischargesetc.!

At first started the malesthen the femalesThe sequence is made ​​by drawing before departure!

Titles of the show:

HDK Baby Clubwinner 2018
 (by colour and gender)

HDK Puppy Clubwinner 2018 (by colour and gender)

HPJHDK Youth Clubwinner 2018 (by colour and gender)

Intermediate class, open class, working class, champion class winner with CAC (by colour and gender)

HDK Clubwinner 2018 (by colour and gender)

Best of breed

All dobermann with 1-4. places get cups!


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